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Using GitHub merge queue to ease the Dependabot churn

Good morning, project!

$ gh pr list

#1626  chore(deps-dev): bump black from 23.1.0 t...  dependabot/pip/black-23.3.0                  about 7 hours ago
#1625  chore(deps-dev): bump types-requests from...  dependabot/pip/types-requests-     about 7 hours ago
#1624  chore(deps-dev): bump mkdocs-include-mark...  dependabot/pip/mkdocs-include-markdown-p...  about 7 hours ago
#1623  chore(deps-dev): bump types-redis from 4....  dependabot/pip/types-redis-           about 7 hours ago
#1622  chore(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.1...  dependabot/pip/pre-commit-3.2.1              about 7 hours ago
#1621  chore(deps-dev): bump types-deprecated fr...  dependabot/pip/types-deprecated-      about 7 hours ago
#1620  chore(deps-dev): bump types-python-dateut...  dependabot/pip/types-python-dateutil-2.8...  about 7 hours ago
#1619  chore(deps-dev): bump types-redis from 4....  dependabot/pip/types-redis-           about 7 hours ago
#1618  chore(deps-dev): bump moto from 4.1.4 to ...  dependabot/pip/moto-4.1.6                    about 7 hours ago

-Spits out coffee-

Automating dependabot PR merging

Don't try this at home, kids

You should always read through the changelog of Dependabot PRs and have at least a basic understanding of what changes you introduce to your projects, your colleagues/co-authors and yourself, before merging.

But once you've done that, maybe let's see if we can ease the pain a bit here...

I'm fortunate to work at a company who owns a GitHub organization, and right now merge queues is in beta for GitHub organizations. By enabling this (in the repo settings1) I can queue up all these dependabot PRs for merging in one go.

Let's write a little script!

#!/bin/bash -e

# Get the list of numbers
pr_numbers=$(gh pr list "$@" --app dependabot --json number --jq '.[].number')

# Iterate over each number and approve and merge the corresponding PR
for pr_number in $pr_numbers; do
    gh pr review --approve $pr_number
    gh pr merge $pr_number

You'll need to install and authenticate the GitHub CLI to make the gh command accessible, which is invoked by this script.

The script will take arguments and forward to gh. This can be useful to filter out certain PRs you want to merge.

Execution examples

# Merge open PRs that successfully passed CI (both unapproved and approved)
./ --search "is:open draft:false status:pending status:success"

# Merge open PRs that successfully passed CI and are categorized as developer dependencies
./ --search "is:open draft:false status:pending status:success chore(deps-dev) in:title"

See gh pr list --help for more examples and help on --search, and see the official docs here on status:pending.

Filtering on deps-dev vs deps

To be able to search for chore(deps-dev), you might have to add something like this to your dependabot settings:

version: 2

  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
      prefix: "chore"
      include: "scope"

  1. By the way, you can set up merge queues to employ a "rebase and merge" method
