Custom exception
class MyError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str | None = None) -> None:
self.message = message
Was something raised?
Exception hooks
You can register custom exception hooks, which can run code whenever an exception is raised, and just before the script will exit.
import sys
def custom_excepthook():
sys.excepthook = custom_excepthook
sys.unraisablehook = custom_excepthook
Caching with TTL
import time
from functools import lru_cache
import random
def my_func(ttl_hash: int | None = None) -> int:
return random.randint(0, 10)
def get_ttl_hash(seconds: int = 60) -> int:
return round(time.time() / seconds)
my_func(ttl_hash=get_ttl_hash()) # cached result, using ttl
Traceback type aliases
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TypeAlias, Union
ExcInfo: TypeAlias = tuple[type[BaseException], BaseException, TracebackType]
OptExcInfo: TypeAlias = Union[ExcInfo, tuple[None, None, None]]
from typing import TypeAlias
JsonType: TypeAlias = (
None | bool | int | float | str | list["JsonType"] | dict[str, "JsonType"]
JsonDict: TypeAlias = dict[str, "JsonType"]
Using uv to manage dependencies
There are many tools for defining a Python project and manage dependencies in Python; setuptools, pip-tools, poetry, pdm, hatch, rye... but not until 2024, was there finally a tool that supplied all the necessary tooling under one umbrella for managing both applications and libraries, prod vs dev dependency lockfile, optional extras etc: uv.
Dates and times
Timedelta gotcha
When using timedelta, DST is not taken into consideration. Workaround:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import timezone as pytz_timezone
def normalize_timedelta(dt: datetime, delta: timedelta) -> datetime:
"""Normalize timedelta operation to fix DST."""
if hasattr(dt.tzinfo, "zone"):
timezone_ =
return pytz_timezone(timezone_).normalize(dt + delta)
raise Exception("Datetime object does not include a pytz timezone")
now ="Europe/Stockholm"))
tomorrow = normalize_timedelta(dt=now, delta=timedelta(days=1))
yesterday = normalize_timedelta(dt=now, delta=-timedelta(days=1))
Testing in different timezones
You may want to run your tests in both UTC and e.g. your local timezone:
Pattern matching gotchas
Structural pattern matching was introduced in Python 3.10.
Like with ifs and switches, you only match against one case. "Optional remainders" can also be used:
my_dict = {"fruit": "apple", "digit": 1}
match my_dict:
case {"fruit": "apple", **remainder_kwargs}:
print("Found apple in match 1") # will be found
case {"digit": 1, **remainder_kwargs}:
print("Found digit in match 1") # will not be found as we already found the apple.
match my_dict:
case {"digit": 1, **remainder_kwargs}:
print("Found digit in match 2") # will be found
case {"fruit": "apple", **remainder_kwargs}:
print("Found apple in match 2") # will not be found as we already found the digit.
Don't pattern-match on iterables
Ordering matters when pattern matching on iterables, so it's probably not a great idea to do this, generally. You also cannot specify the "optional remainders" both before AND after an item in the list, so there is no way to identify one single item in a list reliably using pattern matching:
my_list = ["apple", "orange"]
match my_list:
case ["apple", _]:
print("Found the apple first in the list") # will find the apple
match my_list:
case ["orange", _]:
print("Found the orange first in the list") # will NOT be found
match my_list:
case [x, "apple", y]:
print("Found the apple with non-optionals") # will NOT find the apple
case [x, "orange", *y]:
print("Found the orange with multiple optionals") # will find the orange