Export repo data from GitHub organization
This is a quickie, using the GitHub CLI and optionally some Python.
Replace YOUR_ORG
with your organization and export all your organization's repo data to repos.json
gh api \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
/orgs/YOUR_ORG/repos \
--paginate > repos.json
Expand to see what data is exported
At the time of writing this post, this is the kind of data which will be exported from the organization's repo(s):
- allow_forking
- archive_url
- archived
- assignees_url
- blobs_url
- branches_url
- clone_url
- collaborators_url
- comments_url
- commits_url
- compare_url
- contents_url
- contributors_url
- created_at
- default_branch
- deployments_url
- description
- disabled
- downloads_url
- events_url
- fork
- forks
- forks_count
- forks_url
- full_name
- git_commits_url
- git_refs_url
- git_tags_url
- git_url
- has_discussions
- has_downloads
- has_issues
- has_pages
- has_projects
- has_wiki
- homepage
- hooks_url
- html_url
- id
- is_template
- issue_comment_url
- issue_events_url
- issues_url
- keys_url
- labels_url
- language
- languages_url
- license
- merges_url
- milestones_url
- mirror_url
- name
- node_id
- notifications_url
- open_issues
- open_issues_count
- owner
- permissions
- private
- pulls_url
- pushed_at
- releases_url
- size
- ssh_url
- stargazers_count
- stargazers_url
- statuses_url
- subscribers_url
- subscription_url
- svn_url
- tags_url
- teams_url
- topics
- trees_url
- updated_at
- url
- visibility
- watchers
- watchers_count
- web_commit_signoff_required
You can now import this into e.g. Excel (which by the way now have Python support), or optionally convert it to csv first:
import json
def main():
# Read repos.json
with open("repos.json", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
print(f"Repo count: {len(data)}")
# Export repos.csv
with open("repos.csv", "w") as f:
keys = data[0].keys()
f.write(",".join(keys) + "\n")
for repo in data:
values = [str(repo[key]) for key in keys]
f.write(",".join(values) + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":