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My Atom setup

I'm in love with Atom. Despite it being slow on large files, I still haven't been able to jump over the threshold of learning vim (or neovim). I'm way too comfortable with Atom right now. Here's my setup.

Base linter

  • linter - a base linter for Atom

An important setting here is to decide whether you wish "Lint as you type" enabled or disabled. For large, unlinted files, you may want to disable this feature to avoid hiccups.

IDE-like stuff

  • script - Run your code from Atom
  • terminal-plus - Integrated terminal window(s)


  • linter-flake8 - Python flake8 linter (requires linter)


  • linter-jsonlint - JSON linter (requires linter)
  • pretty-json - Format and sort JSON files


  • language-salt - Salt states syntax highlighting
  • atom-jinja2 - Jinja2 syntax highlighting

Please note, you will need both language-salt and atom-jinja2 to properly syntax highlight sls (Salt states) files.


  • language-docker - Syntax highlighting in Dockerfiles
  • linter-docker - Dockerfile linter (requires linter)

General UI improvements

  • minimap - Sublime Text-style code preview scroller
  • file-icons - adds icons to file tree
