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Systemd services and resource limits

We made the move to CentOS 7 and I switched out all init.d scripts with systemd services. Yesterday I noticed we started getting errors on our render farm for huge scenes which required loading of thousands of files:

V-Ray warning: Could not load mesh file ...

One hint that this wasn't due to scene misconfiguration was that the initial ~1000 vrmeshes were loaded successfully, and after that no other vrmesh file could be loaded.

My Atom setup

I'm in love with Atom. Despite it being slow on large files, I still haven't been able to jump over the threshold of learning vim (or neovim). I'm way too comfortable with Atom right now. Here's my setup.

Install psutil in CentOS 6

Don't use yum install python-psutil as this will give you a super old version. Instead use:

yum install gcc python-devel
pip install psutil

Python simple web server

The absolutely fastest way to get a simple web server up and running using Python 3, for development purposes.

cd my_web_root
python -m http.server

Or if you are on Python 2.x:

cd my_web_root
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Then just access http://your-ip:8000 to access the web server contents. Hit ctrl+c to exit.