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Distributing Python script(s) as zip file

A recent discussion on 3DPRO sparked me to scribble down some ideas on how to somewhat painlessly distribute a Python package to be run in DCC applications such as Maya or Nuke as simply as possible. So this is an alternative to building a wheel and mucking around with virtual environments.

Standalone PySide2 wheels

The Qt Company has yet to release official, standalone and pip-installable PySide2 wheels. However, since they made it possible to build standalone wheels successfully, I'm now building such unofficial, standalone wheels here using free CI services (thanks Travis and AppVeyor!):

Querying the FPS preference in Maya

This tickles the funny bone.

>>> import maya.mel as mel
>>> fps = mel.eval('float $fps = `currentTimeUnitToFPS`')
>>> print(fps)

Let me know in the comments below if this can be improved...

Maya 2018 file size bug

A very annoying bug came to light in mid-October which makes Maya 2018 binary scene files (*.mb) unreadable if they are larger than ~2 GB in size.

To be exact, the bug is hit when the file size is larger than 2147483647 bytes, the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer.

Contributing to PySide2

This is reminder-to-self about how to get set up and contribute to PySide2 using Gerrit. It could also be a fun read "on the bus" before actually setting this up yourself, to get an overview on what's required to get up and running with Gerrit.