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Export repo data from GitHub organization

This is a quickie, using the GitHub CLI and optionally some Python.

Replace YOUR_ORG with your organization and export all your organization's repo data to repos.json:

gh api \
        -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
        -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
        /orgs/YOUR_ORG/repos \
        --paginate > repos.json

Decoupling the ORM class from the data model class

I'm working on a rather large project where we would want to replace a WSGI ORM with an ASGI ORM, but it's tangled up into everything and ORM queries are executed from all over the business logic. If the ORM would've been decoupled from the objects tossed around in the business logic, it would've been much easier to replace the ORM.

This blog post outlines an example of how this can be done with Pydantic. I'm also including a "bonus section" on decoupling the data store communication from the business logic with some inspiration of the "Repository pattern".

Using GitHub merge queue to ease the Dependabot churn

Good morning, project!

$ gh pr list

#1626  chore(deps-dev): bump black from 23.1.0 t...  dependabot/pip/black-23.3.0                  about 7 hours ago
#1625  chore(deps-dev): bump types-requests from...  dependabot/pip/types-requests-     about 7 hours ago
#1624  chore(deps-dev): bump mkdocs-include-mark...  dependabot/pip/mkdocs-include-markdown-p...  about 7 hours ago
#1623  chore(deps-dev): bump types-redis from 4....  dependabot/pip/types-redis-           about 7 hours ago
#1622  chore(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.1...  dependabot/pip/pre-commit-3.2.1              about 7 hours ago
#1621  chore(deps-dev): bump types-deprecated fr...  dependabot/pip/types-deprecated-      about 7 hours ago
#1620  chore(deps-dev): bump types-python-dateut...  dependabot/pip/types-python-dateutil-2.8...  about 7 hours ago
#1619  chore(deps-dev): bump types-redis from 4....  dependabot/pip/types-redis-           about 7 hours ago
#1618  chore(deps-dev): bump moto from 4.1.4 to ...  dependabot/pip/moto-4.1.6                    about 7 hours ago

-Spits out coffee-