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Load latest Maya crash file

This simple python script looks for the latest file with .ma file extension in the path given and prompts the user whether to load it or not. Just verify that the searchDir variable is pointing to your temp dir.

Catching string from stdout with Python

Using a Python “wrapper” script you can catch the output of an executing application, which is very useful when you want to perform certain tasks depending on what is being printed to stdout by the application.

Maya Bonus Tools 2014 – arbitrary installation

Here’s how to install Maya Bonus Tools 2014 in an arbitrary location. I’ve covered two different methods (which can actually be mixed, if you will). The simple method (#1) is probably the best bet for most people while the “thorough” method (#2) could be interesting for some other folks. Take your pick.

PyQt4 in Maya 2014 on OS X

There are some official Autodesk instructions floating around on how to get PyQt4 support in of Maya 2014, but I found them a bit unclear and hard to follow. I also found an error (although minor)… so I’ve typed down my own little step-by-step reminder below, based off that.

Fixing "read-only" files in Maya

Recently we ended up with a Maya scene with locked, read-only, nodes which prohibited us from deleting them from the scene. This usually happens to nodes having been part of a locked reference which has been imported into the scene. In our case, we had no access to the original referenced file, so we had to unlock these nodes from being read-only.